Hello! Just wanted to post a few animal drawings up here . . . Here is a fish, swimming along . . . through a digital image sea . . . and a long-tailed cat . . . I wonder if he'd like to go fishing . . . or maybe feathers look more appetizing . . . The birds drawing is color pencil . . . and the buzzing bees below are made with wax crayons. What animal would you like to draw?
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For the final project in Figure Drawing, we were to create a large picture with several figures, and it was supposed to tell some kind of a story. I decided to make a children's art illustration, since that is one of the fields I'm interested in developing my art for. But at the time I was working on it, there were just a few days available to complete the work, and I would be taking a trip to San Francisco (taking part in a song competition!) over three of the four days. So wasn't sure how to make the picture large . . . it needed to fit in a small suitcase. So I ended up making a series of panels, that would go together to tell the whole story. The work is done in ink and color pencil. Here are some of the panels: As you can see, the "story" for this picture is about communication-- old ways and new ways :) It took a lot of tries to get the sketch accurate for the swinging child; and I could tell the figure drawing practice I'd had in the class was useful :) Here is the whole picture; I put a "frame" around the panels (like window panes) to finish it up- this is something added after the final presentation in class; I just barely had time to complete photoshop edits and get the panels printed for that . . . Something I noticed after completion was that the kids look like they're dressed for warm weather, but this is a winter tree (!) Also, I think it needs more branches . . . so maybe I will do some edits to this digitally, in the future, to develop the illustration and make it be spring or summer. But overall, it was a good project and I liked making a children's art illustration that is also a story in itself.
AuthorDiane Hurst Archives
May 2022